No. 34. Denmark Rising


Denmark Rising
Denmark Rising

Denmark Vessey, a well-educated and dignified former slave helped found “Mother” Emmanuel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) church in Charleston, SC. He planned a slave rebellion in 1822 and was hanged along with more than 30 others. In 2014 a statue honoring him was erected in Charleston, S.C. park. A year later the Confederate Flag, a symbol of racist terror, was finally removed from the State House. Since then removal of statues glorifying the slave-holders’ rebellion from public spaces is gaining momentum.

Considering the murder of Heather Hayer in Charlottesville, VA, by a racist thug while cops whistled Dixie, the struggle to recognize that Black Lives Matter assumes even greater urgency.

This piece is being exhibited at the Yocum Institute for Arts Education in an exhibit entitled “Make Art Great Again: Left, Right and In-Between.” September 7 to November 8, 2017.

Opening Reception September 7, 5:00 PM • 1100 Belmont Avenue, Wyomissing, PA 19610.

More details on the piece.