No. 50 It’s a Wired World With a Love Dance

It's a Wired World
It’s a Wired World
Winter Love Dance
Winter Love Dance

“It’s a Wired World” is featured in November and December 2017 in the front window of Art Plus Gallery. It’s another one of those I rescued from the archives, which had never been shown previously. The mansion is in North Pittsburgh.
The bottom picture “Winter Love Dance” is more recent and is also being shown at Art Plus Gallery through the end of the year. This picture is part of my Love Letters Series.

No. 41. Raptor’s Revenge

Raptor's Revenge
Raptor’s Revenge

It’s not uncommon for birds of prey to get hit by cars. Several years ago while walking around the East Liberty section of Pittsburgh I found the disembodied foot and leg of a Peregrine Falcon on the street. After taking it back to the studio and photographing it, I began working on this composite photo. I only now finished it after uncovering the partially completed project in my files.

While harking back to Alfred Hitchcock’s film The Birds, the piece addresses the reckless destruction of the natural world by the modern capitalist social system.