No. 19. Unescaped



An old plantation house on Maryland’s Eastern Shore that survives as the main house on a farm serves as a commentary on the inequality and vestiges of slavery and Jim Crow that afflicts the area, and most of America. Photographed during a trip to visit the Harriet Tubman National Historic Site.

No. 15. Wheels

These two composite photos appear in the “Wheels” exhibit at Studio B in Boyertown, PA. Opening: Friday, April 20. The show runs until June 24, 2018.

No. 13. From the “Country Roads” Collection

Previous posts on this blog featured pictures from the Country Roads: An Uncommon Take series including Nos. 3 and 11 in 2018 and Nos. 36, 44, and 50 in 2017. I posted an earlier version of “Broken Windows” in No. 50. The current version posted here is the final one as it was exhibited in March at Art Plus Gallery in West Reading, PA. “Tarred Awt” is a wordplay on the colloquial pronunciation of “tired out.” Those unfamiliar with local renditions of English in Pennsylvania Dutch country may not get this, and even those who are familiar with the accent sometimes need to hear it pronounced rather than in print to understand.

No. 11. Country Roads: Another Installment

Additional photographs in this series are posted in blog posts Nos. 36, 44, and 50 in 2017 and No. 3 in 2018. You can also see many of the photos in this series collected in one place on my website at