No. 26. Body Builders in the Rain

No. 7B African Safari, Part 2

No. 7A African Safari in Black and White, Part 1

Most of the pictures in this gallery are from a safari in Entabeni Safari Reserve a couple of hours Northeast of Johannesburg, South Africa. The featured image is of a bull elephant urging our Land Rover to back up. Once we’d gotten back far enough he downed a tree, laid it across the track and signaled his followers to cross.

No. 1. Guarding an Empty Space

Guarding an Empty Space
Guarding an Empty Space

This one of a small handful of black and white photos I’ve included in my month-long exhibit at Clay on Main, in Oley, PA, which is entitled “Seven Deadly Sins (Plus a Few Less Sinful).” The opening is Sunday, January 8, 2017, 4 to 6 PM. Clay on Main is 313 Main Street in Oley, PA.

Copyright © Jay Ressler, 2017