No. 45. Hang on Sloopy, Hang On

Hang on Sloopy, Hang On
Hang on Sloopy, Hang On

This bird is a Nuthatch which is an unusual bird. You usually see it hanging or walking down a tree head first. This helps them find insects. Indeed this fellow prefers to eat seeds out of our sunflower seed feeder upside down. Apparently, it can’t get purchase to do that on our worm feeder, so hangs on the best it can.

No. 40. The Red Chair Challenge

Surfing the Kearny on a Red Chair

At the end of 2015 the members of the Art Plus Gallery in West Reading, PA, completely renovated the gallery. Among the changes was the purchase of a distinctive red chair to allow customers to view the gallery’s extensive online offerings on a tablet computer. Members of the coop decided to challenge each other to creatively depict the red chair. The challenge is a kind of silly, but kind of fun branding exercise.

During the summer months, the Kernsville Dam became a popular site for youth, many from out-of-state, to surf the dam. Following a drowning death and a plague of litter, the road leading to the dam has been closed with a barrier. State and Tilden Township Police enforce trespassing regulations.

No. 35. Walking with the Dragonflies

A few weeks ago Martha and I participated in a Walk to observe and learn about dragonflies and damselflies. The walk was a joint presentation of the Mengel Natural History Society and the Baird Ornithological Club, of which Ken Lebo, the group leader, is a member along with Tony “Doc” Schoch and Mike Slater, president of the BOC and nature columnist for the “Berks Country” weekly supplement to the Reading Eagle. Here is Kolleen Long’s account of the Hike in the Hamburg Item.  She took better notes and did better follow up research than I did. Here are a few pictures I made during the excursion. I learned two things. First, there are a lot more species of dragonflies than I knew existed. Second, many of them are very difficult to photograph, some never perch.