No. 50. Ice Try

These black and whites are from a recent hike along the Appalachian Trail through the PA State Game Lands Area #110. Included are several ice studies; three are are only slightly different from each other in their composition. I couldn’t decide which I like better.

No. 48B: A Golden Walk in the Woods, Part 2

This set of photographs were shot November 7, 2018, along the popular Appalachian Trail loop at the Hamburg Reservoir. This loop takes walkers past the reservoir, up (or down) the Furnace Creek tributary trail, to The Pinnacle and Pulpit Rock. Part 2 of this set is devoted mostly to water shots along the Furnace Creek portion of the hike.

No. 48A: Golden Walk in the Woods, Part 1

This set of photographs were shot November 7, 2018, along the popular Appalachian Trail loop at the Hamburg Reservoir. This loop takes walkers past the reservoir, up (or down) the Furnace Creek tributary trail, to The Pinnacle and Pulpit Rock. Part 1 of this set is devoted scenes featuring late fall colors and overlooks along the trail.

No. 47. A Walk in the Woods

No. 39. “Made In Cuba” Tour

My posts have been rather sparse during the past two months as a three and a half year artistic project has come to realization. I have been  to occupied with work to assure a successful exhibit and artistic tour by Julio Cesar Cepeda Duque. This included producing a photographing every piece in his exhibit and producing a catalog of work.

Please visit the website we created at:

View the online catalog of his found object sculptural work:

No. 32. Bill Rhodes’ Sculpture Garden

Bill Rhodes is a Hamburg, PA, artist with a collection of mostly welded creations populating his side yard. Bill also teaches welding in Baltimore.