No. 36. The Misty Taste of Moonshine, etc.

Red Barn, Purple Sky has been shown a number of times during the past year. I’ve displayed it prominently in my booths at art fairs in recent weeks. One customer asked whether I had others of a similar nature. I went back in my files and found a couple to start with. I feel a whole new series beginning. I’ll be displaying these three together at Saylor House Home Furnishings and Decor for the next few months starting Monday, September 25. (The title of the featured piece “The Misty Taste of Moonshine” is from a line in John Denver’s song Take Me Home, Country Road.)

Week No. 1, Down an Road Less Traveled


2016_01w01aA New Direction

For five years I’ve published a daily blog of my photography under the heading “Jay M. Ressler Imaging 365: A daily log of my artistic journey,” which was linked to my personal Facebook page.  Beginning with this posting, I’m publishing the blog under a different moniker, “Jay M. Ressler 52 Weeks: Sights and Insights.”

During the first year of my 365 blog, 2011, I posted 663 pictures beginning in early April. Starting January 1, 2012, I organized it around one photograph a day.

In may respects the 365 project has been beneficial. It’s demanding and good discipline. On the downside, however, more than a fair number of pedestrian photographs ended up being published, while some real gems got overlooked. But isn’t that in the nature of the beast?

With this posting, marking the beginning of the second half of the second decade, I am changing direction with this blog. This will no longer be a daily blog, nor will it be strictly a venue for posting my own photographs. In addition, to my own photography, I hope with a more leisurely schedule to be able to examine the history of photography, the work of other photographers, questions of theory and practice in the medium.

This won’t be a “how to” blog (for my “how to” column refer to the bimonthly newsletter of the Berks Art Alliance, The Pallette). I hope to make this more project-centered—a halfway step between what appears on the blog and what I actually show in the real world. I also hope to include occasional video.

Part of the reason for making this change is to allocate more of my time to showing work on paper and to marketing.

This is new territory for me; we’ll see how it goes. My goal is to post once a week, on Thursday mornings.

In the process of preparing to make some needed changes on both my main we site and this blog, I introduced a fatal corruption to blog’s database. For that reason, I’ve had to start from scratch without the planned archives. A fresh start may prove to be a good thing, perhaps some archival pages can be partially reconstructed.