Eyes On and Skating Over the Holy Trinity

Eyes On

“Keep an eye on your democracy. It can happen here as well.”
—Maria Alyokhina, member Pussy Riot

Encaustic Mixed Media

The vigilant eyes of members of the Russian punk rock/political collective Pussy Riot peer out at us from behind the knitted ski masks in which they often perform. Members of the group were imprisoned for several years for mocking members of the Russian Orthodox Church hierarchy.

Portraits of a querulous Vladimir Putin; Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill, a longtime Putin ally; and Russia’s Prosecutor General, Yuri Chaika — The Holy Truinity — are flipped upside down and fading into the mists in this collage.

A skate board runs over the Prosecutor General as Chaika is the object of derision in Pussy Riot’s most recent video, Chaika.

Read more: on my main website here.

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